Saturday, November 14, 2009
Updating content type's and site column's group name using PowerShell
Making backup from your site is recommended.
1. First you need to have PowerShell installed on your server.
2. From the CMD, type Powershell then Enter
3. Import the SharePoint Assembly by typing [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")
4. Create a site object from your site where the columns and the content types
$site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite(“http://cairo:4000”);
6. Update the Content Type group title
$site.rootweb.contenttypes[“TheContentTypeName”].Group = “TheNewGroupTitle”; $site.rootweb.contenttypes[“TheContentTypeName”].Update($true,$true);
8. Update the Site Column group title
$site.rootweb.Fields[“TheColumnName”].Group = “TheNewGroupTitle”; $site.rootweb.Fields[“TheColumnName”].Update();
10. Exit PowerShell
11. Test the related modules.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Silverlight Organization Chart - Part 3 - The Node
In this post, please note that I’m using the “Silverlight Hebrew & Arabic Language Support” library.
My XAML file will look like that:
<UserControl xmlns:my="clr-namespace:System.Windows.BidiControls;assembly=BidiControls" xmlns:dataInput="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Data.Input" x:Class="OrgChart.NodeBox"
Width="140" Height="80">
<Canvas x:Name="canvMain" MouseEnter="canvMain_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="canvMain_MouseLeave">
<Rectangle x:Name="recBorder" RadiusX="5" RadiusY="5" Stroke="CornflowerBlue" StrokeThickness="2">
<SolidColorBrush Color='#f2f3fd' />
<my:TextBlock TextAlignment="left" x:Name="tbEmployeeName" Width="130" Height="20" Foreground="Black" Canvas.Left="5" FontWeight="Bold"></my:TextBlock>
<my:TextBlock TextAlignment="left" x:Name="tbTitle" Width="130" Height="20" Foreground="Black" Canvas.Left="5"></my:TextBlock>
<my:TextBlock TextAlignment="left" x:Name="tbDepartment" Width="130" Height="20" Foreground="Black" Canvas.Left="5"></my:TextBlock>
<my:TextBlock TextAlignment="left" x:Name="tbExtension" Width="130" Height="20" Foreground="Black" Canvas.Left="5"></my:TextBlock>
<Storyboard x:Name="mouseEnter">
Storyboard.TargetProperty='(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)' />
<Storyboard x:Name='mouseLeave'>
Storyboard.TargetProperty='(Shape.Fill).(SolidColorBrush.Color)' />
Where you will find a reference to the BidiControls for the Arabic support, a canvas with a border and four TextBlock to display the Name, Title, Department and the Extension and the values are assigned from the properties in the code behind.
Also there are two storyboards to change the background color on mouse hover.
The code behind will look like that:
namespace OrgChart
public partial class NodeBox : UserControl
private double _fontSize = 10;
public NodeBox(double scale)
_Scale = scale;
tbEmployeeName.FontSize = _fontSize * Scale;
tbEmployeeName.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, 5 * scale);
tbEmployeeName.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, 5 * scale);
tbEmployeeName.Height = 20 * scale;
tbEmployeeName.Width = 130 * scale;
tbEmployeeName.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.NoWrap;
tbEmployeeName.Clip = new RectangleGeometry() { Rect = new Rect(0, 0, 130 * scale, 20 * scale) };
// the same for all the controls on the canvas
// Control Properties to set the TextBlock Values
Where font size, width, height, the location and the clip area of each TextBlock must be adjusted based on the scale. Also the node border must be adjusted, the rounded corner radius and the thikness and the dimentions:
recBorder.StrokeThickness = 2 * scale;
recBorder.RadiusX = 5 * scale;
recBorder.RadiusY = 5 * scale;
recBorder.Width = this.Width * scale;
recBorder.Height = this.Height * scale;
Our next step will talk about drawing the nodes and the lines on the main control.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Backup with DateTime
Use this command in your batch file:
stsadm -o backup -url http://siteurl -filename sitename%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%-%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%.dat
This will make the command as:
stsadm -o backup -url http://siteurl -filename sitename20091101-1159.dat
Where: 20091101 is the date yyyymmdd, and 1159 is HHMM
Update: running this script before 12 PM will render with space not a zero, so add these lines
SET T=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%
SET T=%T: =%
which will replace the empty space
stsadm -o backup -url http://siteurl -filename sitename%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%-%T%.dat
Silverlight Organization Chart – Part 2 – Calculations
Point 1: Prepare the data
In this point we will start with the root node, and go to the child nodes then the sub child and so on. We need to set the level for each node, and the number of opened and closed sub nodes, also we will set the sub nodes order and the default allowed width for the second level. Also the total height will be calculated.
private void SetLevel(Person parent, int level)
// Set the node level
parent.Level = level;
// Calculate the total height based on the number of levels
if (totalHight < levelHight * (level + 2))
totalHight = levelHight * (level + 2) ;
MyCanvas.Height = totalHight;
// Select the closed items under this parent
var resultN = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == false
select n;
Person[] nodesN = resultN.ToArray();
// Get the closed nodes number
parent.HiddenSubNodes = nodesN.Length;
// Select the opend nodes under this parent
var result = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == true
select n;
Person[] nodes = result.ToArray();
// Get the Opend nodes number
parent.SubNodes = nodes.Length;
// Call the child nodes
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
nodes[i].NodeOrder = i + 1;
nodes[i].MinChildWidth = buttonWidth + minHorizontalSpace;
SetLevel(nodes[i], parent.Level + 1);
Point 2: Calculations

In this point we will need to:
1. Calculate the width for each node based on the opened sub nodes. As you can see in the image, the minChildWidth for the blue node is not the same as the default.
2. Calculate the StartX for each parent node.
3. Calculate the X coordinate for each node based on the StartX of the parent and the node order.
4. Realign the parent node to be centered in the space allowed for its sub nodes.
private void CalculateWidth(Person parent)
if (parent.SubNodes > 0)
var result = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == true
orderby n.NodeOrder
select n;
Person[] nodes = result.ToArray();
double minWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
minWidth = minWidth + nodes[i].MinChildWidth;
if (minWidth > parent.MinChildWidth)
parent.MinChildWidth = minWidth;
if (MyCanvas.Width < minWidth)
MyCanvas.Width = minWidth;
totalWidth = minWidth;
// Calculate the startX for each node
double start = parent.StartX;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
nodes[i].StartX = start;
nodes[i].X = nodes[i].StartX + nodes[i].MinChildWidth / 2;
start = start + nodes[i].MinChildWidth;
// realign the parent node to the middle of the child nodes
if (nodes.Length > 1)
parent.X = (nodes[0].X + nodes[nodes.Length - 1].X) / 2;
else // root element
parent.X = nodes[0].X;
After that we will just need to draw the nodes, we have the X coordinate and we have the Y Coordinate with can be calculated from the level multiplied by the level hight.
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