Friday, October 14, 2016

Nintex Workflow o365 – Error assigning a task to SharePoint Group

I have received this error on assigning a task to a SharePoint group:

Activity in progress
Retrying last request. Next attempt scheduled after 10/14/2016 11:25 AM. Details of last request: HTTP Unauthorized to Correlation Id: 1a1a1a1a- abcd-efgh-ijkl-3c3c3c3c3c3c Instance Id: 2b2b2b2b-abcd-efgh-ijkl-4d4d4d4d4d4d
Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.

Then I discovered that in order to make it working I need to add my account to the group or to change its settings “Who can view the membership of the group?” to “Everyone”.

Another solution I believe is to grant full control permission to the workflow as shown here:

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