Point 1: Prepare the data
In this point we will start with the root node, and go to the child nodes then the sub child and so on. We need to set the level for each node, and the number of opened and closed sub nodes, also we will set the sub nodes order and the default allowed width for the second level. Also the total height will be calculated.
private void SetLevel(Person parent, int level)
// Set the node level
parent.Level = level;
// Calculate the total height based on the number of levels
if (totalHight < levelHight * (level + 2))
totalHight = levelHight * (level + 2) ;
MyCanvas.Height = totalHight;
// Select the closed items under this parent
var resultN = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == false
select n;
Person[] nodesN = resultN.ToArray();
// Get the closed nodes number
parent.HiddenSubNodes = nodesN.Length;
// Select the opend nodes under this parent
var result = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == true
select n;
Person[] nodes = result.ToArray();
// Get the Opend nodes number
parent.SubNodes = nodes.Length;
// Call the child nodes
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
nodes[i].NodeOrder = i + 1;
nodes[i].MinChildWidth = buttonWidth + minHorizontalSpace;
SetLevel(nodes[i], parent.Level + 1);
Point 2: Calculations
In this point we will need to:
1. Calculate the width for each node based on the opened sub nodes. As you can see in the image, the minChildWidth for the blue node is not the same as the default.
2. Calculate the StartX for each parent node.
3. Calculate the X coordinate for each node based on the StartX of the parent and the node order.
4. Realign the parent node to be centered in the space allowed for its sub nodes.
private void CalculateWidth(Person parent)
if (parent.SubNodes > 0)
var result = from n in persons
where n.ManagerID == parent.ID && n.Opened == true
orderby n.NodeOrder
select n;
Person[] nodes = result.ToArray();
double minWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
minWidth = minWidth + nodes[i].MinChildWidth;
if (minWidth > parent.MinChildWidth)
parent.MinChildWidth = minWidth;
if (MyCanvas.Width < minWidth)
MyCanvas.Width = minWidth;
totalWidth = minWidth;
// Calculate the startX for each node
double start = parent.StartX;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
nodes[i].StartX = start;
nodes[i].X = nodes[i].StartX + nodes[i].MinChildWidth / 2;
start = start + nodes[i].MinChildWidth;
// realign the parent node to the middle of the child nodes
if (nodes.Length > 1)
parent.X = (nodes[0].X + nodes[nodes.Length - 1].X) / 2;
else // root element
parent.X = nodes[0].X;
After that we will just need to draw the nodes, we have the X coordinate and we have the Y Coordinate with can be calculated from the level multiplied by the level hight.
Hi Mourad,
Your post is interesting and not able to get the idea about drawing lines for each nodes.
Would you be able to post the source code of this application ?
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Mourad,
Your post is very useful. And i feel i need some extra information to understand. could you please provide us with some more information like GetPerson(), Start() method in XMLFileLoaded and the MyCanvas XAML and how to load the nodebox in that control.
it will be very helpful, if you help us with this.
Awaiting for your response,
Sir Share your entire source code. It will like the food of starvation victims. Can you Please tell me if its presentation will be left to right rather Top Down.
kindly get back to me @ mca2004.manoj@gmail.com
I wish all the best to you dude, May god enrich you Day by Day. You given me Hope
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